Thursday 21 February 2013


When we first moved into our house just over 6 years ago, I knew that my dreams of ever having a walk-in-closet were never going to happen. A 100 year old home + 4 bedrooms + 2 tiny closets = no walk-in-closet for me!  Since our "master" bedroom is one of the rooms sans closet, my clothes have lead a bit of a nomad existence. Good news for me and good news for my clothes - things are about to change.

The smallest room in the house, which used to the nursery room, is now going to be, wait for it - my walk-in-closet! If you haven't figured it out already, I am so freakin' excited about this. I will not have to go to three different rooms to create one outfit. I will no longer have to sneak into Andy's room and search for items in the dark.  I will no longer have to house my jackets in the basement. This my friends, is going to be life changing. OK, so maybe not life changing, but it's certainly going to kick ass!

Here is what the room looked like before:

The nursery.

Fast forward to 5 five years later. After raising two girls in this room, this is what it looked like only days ago....

This is what the room looks like now. Once I'm done posting this, I will heading up to start the painting.  Can't wait to see and show the final results. Stay tuned...

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